A Gram-negative, non-motile bacterium КMM 3653T was isolated from a sediment pattern from the Sea of Japan seashore, Russia. On the foundation of the 16S rRNA gene sequence evaluation the pressure КMM 3653T was positioned inside the household Rhodobacteraceae (class Alphaproteobacteria) forming a definite lineage with the highest gene sequence similarities to the members of the genera Pacificibacter (95.2-94.7%) and Nioella (95.1-94.5%), respectively.
According to the phylogenomic tree based mostly on 400 conserved protein sequences, pressure КMM 3653T was positioned in the cluster comprising Vannielia litorea, Nioella nitratireducens, Litoreibacter albidus and Pseudoruegeria aquimaris as a separate lineage adjoining to V. litorea KCTC 32083T. The common nucleotide identification values between pressure КMM 3653T and V. litorea KCTC 32083T, N. nitratireducens KCTC 32417T, L. albidus KMM 3851T, and P. aquimaris CECT 7680T have been 71.1, 70.3, 69.6, and 71.0%, respectively. Strain КMM 3653T contained Q-10 as the predominant ubiquinone and C18:1ω7c as the main fatty acid adopted by C16:0.
The polar lipids have been phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, an unidentified phospholipid, two unidentified aminolipids, and 5 unidentified lipids. The DNA G+C content material of 61.8% was calculated from the genome sequence. Based on the phylogenetic proof and distinctive phenotypic traits, we proposed pressure KMM 3653T (= KCTC 82575T) to be categorised as a novel genus and species Harenicola maris gen. nov., sp. nov.
Constrictifilum karadense gen. et sp. nov., a brand new Nostocalean genus from Maharashtra, India
A freshwater dwelling cyanobacterium (pressure MKW3) was isolated from a pattern collected from a water logged sugarcane discipline positioned in Malkapur, Karad, Maharashtra, India, and was characterised utilizing a polyphasic strategy. In the 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic evaluation, pressure MKW3 clustered with two misidentified strains-Nostoc sp. CENA239 and Calothrix sp. NIES2100. The phylogenetically associated members included strains recognized as Nostoc, Aulosira, Calothrix, Tolypothrix, Camptylonemopsis and Microchaete.
The phylogenetic and the morphological evaluation of the pressure MKW3 indicated that it doesn’t belong to any of the above talked about genera. Furthermore, the 16S-23S ITS secondary construction evaluation offered clear proof indicating that pressure MKW3 is completely different from Nostoc sp. CENA239 and Calothrix sp. NIES2100. Based on the morphological, phylogenetic and 16S-23S ITS secondary construction evaluation we describe our pressure as Constrictifilum karadense gen. et sp. nov. in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and crops.
Brahmaculus gen. nov. (Leotiomycetes, Chlorociboriaceae)
A second genus in Chlorociboriaceae is described right here as Brahmaculus gen. nov. Macroscopically distinctive, all species have vivid yellow apothecia with a number of apothecial cups held on brief branches at the tip of an extended stipe. The genus is extensively distributed throughout the Southern Hemisphere; the 4 new species described right here embody two from Chile (B. magellanicus sp. nov., B. osornoensis sp. nov.) and one every from New Zealand (B. moonlighticus sp. nov.) and Australia (B. packhamiae sp. nov.).

They differ from species referred to Chlorociboria, the solely different genus in Chlorociboriaceae, of their terrestrial habitat and ascomata which are noticeably extra furry than the identified Chlorociboria species, most of which have apothecia with brief, macroscopically vague hair-like parts. Based on our analyses, Chlorociboria as accepted right here is paraphyletic. Additional examine is required to make clear the place various, monophyletic generic limits needs to be drawn and the way these genera could also be recognised morphologically.
Also described listed below are three new Chlorociboria spp. from New Zealand (C. metrosideri sp. nov., C. solandri sp. nov., C. subtilis sp. nov.), distinctive in growing on useless leaves moderately than wooden and in two of them not forming the inexperienced pigmentation attribute of most Chlorociboria species. New Zealand specimens beforehand incorrectly recognized as Chlorociboria argentinensis are supplied with a brand new identify, C. novae-zelandiae sp. nov.
Crystallicutis gen. nov. (Irpicaceae, Basidiomycota), together with C. damiettensis sp. nov., discovered on Phoenix dactylifera (date palm) trunks in the Nile Delta of Egypt
The taxonomy of Polyporales is sophisticated by the variability in key morphological characters throughout households and genera, now being progressively resolved by means of molecular phylogenetic analyses. Here a brand new resupinate species, Crystallicutis damiettensis sp. nov. discovered on the decayed trunks of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) bushes in the fruit orchards of the Nile Delta area of Egypt is reported. Multigene phylogenetic analyses based mostly on ITS, LSU, EF1α, RPB1 and RPB2 loci place this species in Irpicaceae, and forming a definite clade with Ceraceomyces serpens and several other different hitherto unnamed taxa, which we additionally incorporate into a brand new genus Crystallicutis.
We identify two of these species, Crystallicutis huangshanensis sp. nov. and Crystallicutis rajchenbergii sp. nov. The distinctive characteristic of Crystallicutis gen. nov. is the presence of crystal-encrusted hyphae in the hymenium and subiculum. Basidiomes are often honey-yellow with white margins however there’s variability in the presence of clamp connections and cystidia, as famous for different genera inside Irpicacae.
C. damiettensis is hitherto constantly related to date palms killed by the pink palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, a extremely damaging and invasive pest, just lately unfold to the Mediterranean area. C. damiettensis causes fast wooden decay by a probably uncommon white-rot mechanism and will play a job in the injury brought on by R. ferrugineus.